Privacy Policy

GF Applications Ltd
Registered in England and Wales.
Company registration no. 13864553
Registered Office: The Coach House, 1 Howard Road, Reigate, Surrey, England, RH2 7JE
GF Applications is registered with the ICO ref: ZB676853


The purpose of this privacy policy is to outline the data we collect via our Shopify Plus Checkout Tool, Order Rescue, the purpose for collecting it, how we store it and how you can contact us should you require any additional information.

Data we collect

We collect the following data:

Order information including name, email address, postal address, customer ID, basket contents, basket value, item names, variant names, product ID, SKU, collections, discount codes, UTM, device type, browser information and timing data.

Use of data

We use this information expressly to deliver the service.

We do not directly disclose, share, transfer or sell the data we collect unless required to do so by law.

Data security

Data is stored securely on the eu-west-1 region (Dublin) of AWS. All data is encrypted and accessible only by the senior support team. Access to the database is restricted in the network infrastructure so that only our physical locations can connect to it.

Cookies & Tracking

We do not directly set any cookies. Tracking data is attached to Shopify’s session cookie stored in the cart.

Changes to the privacy policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We advise you to periodically review this page for any such changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page along with the effective date of change.

Contact Information

If you have any questions relating to the collection and handling of customer data, please contact GF Applications data controller:

Rob Baker
The Coach House, 1 Howard Road, Reigate, Surrey, England, RH2 7JE